Li Qiang conducted research on integrated circuit and other enterprises, revealing these signals

According to CCTV, on March 13th, Li Qiang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Premier of the State Council, conducted research in Beijing.

Li Qiang first came to the Innovation and Operation Center of the Beijing High level Autonomous Driving Demonstration Zone to inspect the cloud control basic platform system and the vehicle road coordination sand table demonstration. Li Qiang fully affirmed the effectiveness of exploring and innovating in the demonstration zone, and requested to increase support in standard formulation, factor guarantee, and other aspects, to use iterative upgrading of autonomous driving technology to assist the development of the automotive industry and the construction of smart cities.

Li Qiang then went to the Yizhuang office area of Baidu Company to learn about the research and application of large model products and the construction of a domestic artificial intelligence innovation consortium. Li Qiang emphasized the need to leverage the advantages of China's rich application scenarios, open up more application scenarios, increase institutional supply, and create a more relaxed environment for the development of the artificial intelligence industry.

At North Huachuang Technology Group Co., Ltd., Li Qiang listened to the introduction of the company's integrated circuit equipment research and industrialization, and walked into the workshop and laboratory to observe the display of advanced technology. Li Qiang praised the innovative achievements of the enterprise and encouraged them to further increase their investment in technology, accelerate the research and development of advanced process equipment, and better drive collaborative innovation throughout the entire industry chain.

At the Beijing Zhiyuan Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, Li Qiang gained a detailed understanding of the research and development of cutting-edge technologies for large models and observed the display of artificial intelligence products. Li Qiang emphasized the need to strengthen confidence, maintain composure, aim at the world's advanced level, concentrate advantageous resources, strengthen cooperation in tackling key problems, and continuously achieve new breakthroughs.

During the research, Li Qiang held a symposium to listen to the report on the development of new productive forces in Beijing and speeches from relevant enterprise leaders. Li Qiang pointed out that developing new quality productive forces is an inherent requirement and important focus for promoting high-quality development. We must firmly grasp the "bull's nose" of innovation, accelerate the research and development of key core technologies, and drive industrial innovation with technological innovation. We must follow the laws of industrial development, combine with the actual situation in various regions, and tailor measures to local conditions and scientifically plan to promote the development of new quality productive forces. Li Qiang pointed out that artificial intelligence is an important engine for developing new quality productivity. We need to strengthen forward-looking layout, accelerate the improvement of computing power, promote algorithm breakthroughs and data development and utilization, vigorously carry out the "artificial intelligence+" action, and better empower thousands of industries.

Li Qiang hopes that Beijing can fully leverage its advantages, take the lead in developing new quality productive forces, and play a demonstrative and driving role. According to Beijing Daily in January this year, the number of unicorn enterprises in Beijing has increased to 114, an increase of 6 from mid-2023 and 12 from the same period in 2022. In the past five years, unicorn enterprises in Beijing have maintained a stable growth trend, with the number consistently ranking first in the country and third globally. Several of these enterprises have shown astonishing growth momentum in 2024. The news shows that unicorn enterprises with explosive growth, disruptive innovation and other characteristics have become the "wind vane" of global new economic development.
