Promoting the development of the artificial intelligence industry, Li Qiang proposes three suggestio

Li Qiang emphasized that the development of artificial intelligence urgently requires countries to deeply explore, gather consensus, seize opportunities, and overcome challenges together. China is willing to work with other countries to promote artificial intelligence to better serve global development, enhance human well-being, and jointly move towards a better intelligent future. Li Qiang proposes three suggestions for the future development of artificial intelligence:

One is to deepen innovation cooperation and unleash the dividends of intelligence. Promote joint technological breakthroughs, cross-border data flow, free trade of equipment, and interconnectivity of facilities, strengthen basic research and talent exchange and cooperation, jointly maintain the security and stability of the industrial and supply chains, promote the continuous emergence of innovative achievements, breakthroughs in industrial development, and greater release of intelligent dividends.

The second is to promote inclusive development and bridge the intelligent divide. Join hands to create an open, fair, and non discriminatory environment for the development of artificial intelligence, help developing countries strengthen their capacity building, promote the inclusiveness of networks, computing power, data, and other services, provide low threshold and low price artificial intelligence services for small and medium-sized enterprises and the general public, and achieve greater digital inclusiveness.

The third is to strengthen collaborative governance and ensure that intelligence is good. Strengthen the coordination and coordination of development strategies, governance rules, technical standards, etc., promote the establishment of an international mechanism with universal participation, form a governance framework and standard specifications with broad consensus, ensure the safe, reliable, controllable development of artificial intelligence, and always comply with the fundamental interests and value standards of humanity.

Li Qiang stated that China has always actively embraced the transformation of intelligence, vigorously promoted the innovation and development of artificial intelligence, attached great importance to the security governance of artificial intelligence, implemented a series of practical measures, issued the Global Artificial Intelligence Governance Initiative, and proposed a resolution to strengthen international cooperation in artificial intelligence capacity building to the 78th United Nations General Assembly, which was unanimously passed. China has made positive explorations and contributed constructive ideas and plans to the development and governance of global artificial intelligence.
